Frequently Asked Questions
1. Does A Country Cat
House mix cats from different families together?
Never, ever. Our boarding units were carefully designed
to make sure cats can't even see another cat above,
below or on either side.
Their condo is private, kept immaculately clean and
sanitized daily.
2. Can I choose the condo I
like the best for my kitty and have it reserved?
Yes and No. We try to
accommodate all our customers requests for a specific
condo, however, sometimes there is another kitty whose
boarding period overlaps your reservation. All our
condos are the same except for the Large Treehouses and
multi-level units for several cats form the same family.
3. How long will you board a
as long as the client needs. We have a minimum 2-day
charge because it is not financially feasible for us to
charge for one day. Long term boarding: We have
boarded cats for two and three years after the Hurricane
while the families were rebuilding. We are happy to say
under all circumstances, the cats were returned to their
owners in excellent health and great spirits, having
been lovingly cared for during such a long and difficult
period for the family. We fulfilled the role of
surrogate family until they were re-united
4. Do you board other animals?
No because we are proud
of concentrating on caring for cats only...that is what
we do best.
5. Can we bring our cats favorite toys, food dish or
Yes, with a qualification. Please don't bring food
dishes or litter boxes as ours fit and go through a
sanitizing system. And please do not bring large items
like carpeted condo, carpet, beds or a scratching
post, but you can bring your kitty's favorite toy...we
give the kitties a catnip mouse after they are in their
private condo, which they all love. You may also bring a
shirt with your scent on it with lasts about a day, but
we launder all cloth items and we cannot be responsible
if the item gets lost, damaged, discolored or bleached
in the laundry...
Also, If your kitty drops any of its toys, including its
mouse in the litter box, for their own health and our
strict policies regarding cleanliness and sanitation,
they will be discarded with the litter. Click here for
more information on belongings.
assured, we have spent tens of thousands of dollars for
huge wall to wall, floor to ceiling windows overlooking
tropical gardens, fish ponds, birdbaths, fountains, etc,
which attract zillions of lizards, birds and butterflies
for your kitty's constant entertainment...even at night
when the night lights come on in the gardens, the
'night' creatures come out for the enjoyment of the
kitties who are 'night owls'....there is never a
shortage of fun, loving care and attention &
entertainment at ACCH!
6. Is there someone on the
cattery premises all the time, 24 hours a day?
Yes. Absolutely. We have live-in staff and the cats are
supervised and monitored 24/7 for their wellbeing, our
peace of mind, and yours. Keep in mind that this staff
is available for your cat's care, not for checking cats
in or out or for tours.
7. My cat uses the 'out of
doors' as a litter box will he adapt to the litter box
you provide?
Yes. We have never had any
cat have any trouble adapting to the litter box. They
are so smart and fastidious, they understand right away.
8. I don't want to change my
kitty's diet. Can you give him the same food I do?
Yes. Bring your kitty's food and bring us written
instructions. Please bring amount of food needed for the
amount of days your cat will board with us. Label it
with your last name, cat's name and preferably in ziploc
bags or small tupperware containers.We also have a
refrigerator for perishables. Your instructions will be
noted on the 'Special Feeding' Portion of the card on
your kitty's condo.
9. Do you give a discount to a
customer who brings their kitty's own food?
But there is no extra charge, either. It takes more time
for the employee who is feeding the cats to leave the
food cart, break the routing, and go to the special food
cupboard and get your cat's food, but we are happy to do
it and do it for no charge.
10. A friend of mine
recommended you and said you serve the cats special food
on holidays, is that true?
Yes, it is. If the kitties
are not on the special diet and we have permission from
the owners, we serve fresh, roasted warm Butterball
Turkey on Thanksgiving and the cats love it. We start
baking the turkey early in the morning so it is ready
and still warm and juicy when it is served. It's
an 'all you can eat' buffet for the kitties, so to speak
and they can have all they want. We take photos on most
all holidays, of our boarding kitty guests, and it is
always fun for they are like children and constantly
entertain and amaze us!
11. What vaccinations are required
to board my cat at A Country Cat House?
Our Feline friends need protection from disease, too.
Vaccinations for cats are less straight forward than
those required for dogs. Some vets recommended a
Leukemia vaccination while other vets won't give it. The
same is true for the FIP vaccine. Many vets are
recommending FeLuk tests and if the cat tests negative,
they give us the results and find the vaccine
At A Country Cat House, we
recommend the following shots: FVRCP, Rabies and Feline
Leukemia. However, if your vet doesn't believe some of
these shots are in the best interest of your cat, let us
know and we'll discuss it with your vet. Please be
informed that Rabies is legally required for all pets
even if you aren't boarding. Also, a feline leukemia/fiv
test with negative results within the last year is
important especially if your vet doesn't give the
vaccine annually due to the fact that your cat is old or
strictly indoor. This is done for the safety of your cat
and all boarded cats.
12. What should I do if I don't have my cats
vaccinations up to date and I have an emergency and need
to leave town and want to leave my cat/s with
A Country
Cat House?
If your cat gets all the shots annually of FRCP, Rabies
and feline leukemia, then we can arrange for a vet to
come to the cattery to give all shots for an extra fee.
If the cat hasn't received the feline leukemia test, we
cannot provide this service.
13. What special medical services for cats do you
We are not a veterinarian clinic, but we are trained to
administer pills, give shots, (including insulin), ear
and eye ointments, change bandages...any medication that
is not prescribed for a contagious disease. If your
kitty is on an antibiotic, we need to know specially
what it is for with specific instructions of times,
dosage, and this should be done in advance. Do not bring
any medication without discussing this with Josie either
by phone or email in advance. An extra charge is
14. If my cat needs to go to
the vet during her stay, how is that handled?
As will be explained in detail when you fill out the
boarding card, we reserve the right and you give us
permission to make medical decisions on your cat's
behalf in your absence. We always try to take your cat
to its own vet but should your vet not be available or
it is an emergency, you give us permission to use the
services of one of the vets in our area. You also agree
to be totally responsible for the charges.
We suggest you leave credit card information and
instructions with your vet, in general, which should be
included whenever you go away so it is on file in case
of an emergency and you and your contact are not
available to give instructions. We require clients who
are either going to be unreachable by phone, or out of
the United States to have this arrangement with their
vet. There is a charge for this service depending on the
time it takes the employee. It is an emergency plan in
case something unforeseen happens and your cat needs
immediate attention.
You cannot get this service form any other form of cat
care. Board with A Country Cat House for your peace of
mind. It is by far the very best choice you could make
for your cats in your absence. Staying home alone for so
many hours or being left with people who most likely
would not be there or would not recognize an emergency
if it arose, is not the best care you can provide for
your precious felines.
15. How do you handle flea
control in your premises?
We maintain a totally flea-free environment. All cats
are checked on check in, or very shortly thereafter, for
any signs of flea debris. If found, the kitty will
receive an administered flea topical/or oral medication
immediately and then be put into its condo.
If you know your kitty has fleas, please make sure you
administer Frontline or Advantage for cats, at least a
week prior to boarding.
Remember, if you have fleas
at home, they will be on your cat. Be informed that the
instant your cat is back home, there will be literally
millions of hungry fleas jumping on your cat inside the
house and also in your yard. While you are away and your
cat is boarding, you should have your home fumigated and
your yard treated for fleas. Otherwise, the cycle will
start again and your cat will become re-infested.
16. How do you prevent or
diminish the chance of my cat catching an infectious
Your cat is boarded in a totally private condo with no
possible contact with any other cat! Your cat's condo is
sanitized daily! The tile floors are sterilized every
morning. Our cattery is likely much more sterile by far
than your local hospital! We are fanatics about
cleanliness. In our routine morning cleaning, the entire
cattery is disinfected thoroughly with safe but
effective approved products. All food and water dishes
are sterilized. All litter pans go through a sterilizing
process. Your cat never has contact with another cat,
ever. All these precautions are take to insure your cats
are in the cleanest environment humanly possible and
every possible venue is used to keep them healthy.
Also, we require proof of upper respiratory prevention
vaccines from every cat owner prior to boarding and this
is not only for boarding, but for your cat's general
health throughout the year.
It is very rare, but
occasionally a vaccinated cat will come down with an
upper respiratory infection, but they come down with
these at home as well! We get boarding cancellations
because cats have developed a cold at home and are on
antibiotics and our customers know we can't board them
if they have a cold.
We have arrived at some conclusions of our own about cat
colds after caring for cats for over 20 years. We have
noticed, and the vets we talked to backed up our
findings, that when there is a fire in the Everglades,
or a Hurricane or storm passing nearby, there is a huge
increase in the number of cats coming into their clinics
with cold symptoms than at any other time. It seems
their respiratory systems are sensitive to what is
happening in the environment and dirt or dust being
stirred up. And it can manifest itself in the form of
sneezing and runny eyes for a few days.
It is something we are very aware of and if a cat
sneezes even one time, we are on alert to watch it and
take it to its vets if any further symptoms appear.
Sometimes, though, just scratching their litter or a
piece of their own fur can make them sneeze. ...So
don't believe anyone who tells you your cat is exposed
to any more diseases than they are in their own home and
yard, because the chances of catching something at
Country Cat House is much less than catching something
at home. In an establishment as clean as A Country Cat
House, you have very little to worry about. Your pets
are more apt to catch something at home from a well
meaning friend or neighbor reaching down to pet your
pets when they have recently petted their own pet at
home and are transferring the bacteria or virus to your
pet...or your cat could have been incubating a virus at
home prior to boarding with no apparent symptoms and the
symptoms begin developing after check-in. Since your cat
has no contact with another cat and we have a fresh air
exchange system that pulls all interior air out through
the special roof vent for this purpose, there is very
little chance your cat catch a cold from another cat or
another cat could catch a cold from your cat. But
be assured, we would immediately take your cat to the
vet if we feel the Sneeze is more than dust or its own
There is no other pet care alternative that can make
this claim. Go to "Pet
Care Alternatives" so you can logically compare.
17. I'd like to tour
Country Cat House before I board my cat. How do I
arrange that?
Call Josie at 305-279-9770 or e-mail at
mycat@acountrycathouse.com and she will be happy
to schedule a tour anytime during business hours except
on busy pre-holiday check-ins when there simply is not
enough time. Since we pre-schedule checkouts with
customers on 15-minute intervals, please call Josie and
arrange a time so other customers will not have to wait
past their appointed check-in or check-out time. Be
assured, you will be given this same courtesy when you
return from a trip and have an appointment to pick up
your baby. We will make sure you do not have to wait
18. If I am in town, can I
visit my kitty while she is being boarded at your kitty
resort? Can somebody else other than me visit while I'm
We take care of kitties for a variety of reasons besides
owners going on vacation. Sometimes they are staying in
a hotel while their house is being fumigated, or being
remodeled, or they have guests who are allergic to cats,
and they bring them to us for care. We love to have
people visit their Kitties. Keep in mind that an
appointment is needed in advance and during summer
season, Saturdays and holidays sometimes it may not be
possible. Always coordinate this visits ahead of time.
Because of time constraints, safety and tranquility of
your cat, we only allow the owners on the registration
to visit their cats not anyone else.
19. Why is everything done
by appointment? Why can't I just drop in and drop off my
kitty whenever I want?
Several reasons. We need to be able to give you
undivided attention for about 15 minutes when you are
dropping your cat/s off. Besides signing the paper-work,
which will be ready, your kitty has to be checked for
fleas, placed in a unit, given food and fresh water,
etc. Also, the care of the cats is a very strict
routine: feeding times, play times with the cattery
staff, nap times, brushing and combing times -
everything is done on schedule, including tours,
check-ins and check-outs.
A pre-arranged schedule keeps the cattery running
efficiently and affords us maximum time with the cats
and assures you quick and efficient service.
20. What forms of payment
are accepted?
We accept cash, cashier checks, traveler's check, bank
cashier check and money orders. Sorry, we do not accept
credit cards at this time. If deposits are required,
which is normal for holidays and summer vacation times
since we book full and would not want to turn any kitty
away, the deposit is non-refundable. Check deposits can
be mailed in advance if required for reservations but
not at check out. At the present time we are looking for
other options as payments forms.
21. How are you daily
boarding charges arrived at?
Whenever you bring your cat on check-in day, that is a
day one of boarding charges. On the check out day, if
you check out before 12:00 noon, there is no charge for
that day. If you check out one minute after 12:00 noon
on check-out day, the computer charges another day to
your account and the office staff cannot turn it back
and it must all balance. If you don't get the cattery
before noon, you will be charged for that day but you
have all day until before noon the next day to check out
without incurring another day's boarding charge.
22. Do you have a minimum
Yes, We have a two-day minimum charge during regular
times of the year. We have a four-day minimum for
holidays. We always book full for holidays and we do not
keep a waiting list of people who wanted to board that
we had to turn down. When we are full, we stop taking
reservations, so you will always be able to count on
having your cats unit ready and waiting upon your
arrival when you have made a reservation.
23. Does
A Country Cat House
require a deposit to hold a reservation?
Yes. There is a non-refundable between $50 and
$100 deposit per cat required of everyone because space
is limited. This is a minimal deposit, a minimal amount
for the lost revenue we suffer when we turn away another
customer because we thought we were booked. We do not
keep a waiting list of people who 'wanted to board'.
Once we are full, we stop taking reservations. You will
appreciate this when you make a reservation because you
can rest assured your cat/s unit will be available and
ready for you on check-in. No one else can take it from
24. How early do I need to
call to be sure to get a Reservation?
About two weeks during slow months, but for major
holidays and summer time, make your reservations as soon
as you can. This assures your cats will have a nice unit
overlooking the gardens for their stay. Many of our
customers make their reservations several months in
advance. For instance, during the summer, many customers
maker their reservation for Thanksgiving, Christmas, New
Years, etc. You should make your cats reservation as
soon as you make yours and send in your deposit. When we
receive, your deposit, it assures the unit is saved for
you and will not be sold to another customer. Another
advantage of booking ahead of time is that you might pay
lower fees and get more options of appointments times
for check in and check out.
We require 14 days reservation to allow discounted rate
for non holiday reservations for weekly boarding's.
25. What socializing and
individual attention will my cat receive?
As our saying goes: 'All our kitty guests received
oodles of cuddles and pampurring'! They also get
individual playtime in the 'playroom' with their cattery
pal as well as petting, combing and brushing in their
own condo various times of day. We believe in spending a
lot of time bonding and social time with the kittys...they
get to know us and trust us...which will be evident on
pickup. Please don't be jealous if your kitty is
purrfectly happy in our arms. Be happy knowing you made
the right choice for your cats happiness and contentment
in your absence, and book your future reservations.
26. What do we need to bring?
Proof of current vaccines (or have them faxed by your
vet 5 days prior to boarding), your cat inside
individual pet carrier/taxi, photo ID (for
identification purposes) food, medications, supplements,
if needed, and any cat toys.
27. My friend told me you
have pick up and delivery service. What does this cost?
Our pick-up and delivery service prices are very fair
and are based on distance. We are happy to offer you
this convenience, but for your first boarding, you have
to sign paperwork at the Cattery office. After that, you
are welcome to avail yourself this convenient service as
often as you desire. Send us an e-mail to
with the details of your location and we will provide
you with our cost.
When you use our pick-up and delivery service, we do
request and it is very important on pick-up the your cat
or cats are in their carrier and ready to go when our
staff members arrives. On delivery, it is important you
or someone you have designated is there to accept your
cat or cats. We are very, very punctual. Having your cat
ready eliminates any extra time charge over the quoted
Our employees get paid for their time and there is only
so much of it, and time is expensive. Thanks for your
understanding in having your cat or cats ready to be
transported to their 'kitty vacation resort' where they
will received the very best of care and purrrsonal
28. I've thought about using
a boarding kennel for the first time for my cat but am
wondering she will 'fret', maybe not eat?
To put your mind at ease, when your kitty comes in the
first time for boarding, everything and everyone is new
but we have the experience and know exactly what to do
to make her or him at ease, safe and loved. Once your
cat is inits assigned unit overlooking the tropical
gardens, we give them a little while to check out their
environment. They very quickly instinctively know they
are in control of their space and begin watching the
lizards and birds in the gardens and the Koi fish
swimming in their pond. Any fear they may have had on
initial check-in begins to fade and is replaced with
attention to the garden activities...soon the food bowl
and special 'welcome treats' we have for them take over
all thoughts and we will see them begin munching on the
We begin talking to them, soothing and reassuring them
that they are surrounded by cat lovers who mean them no
harm. Cats are very, very instinctive animals and they
'know,' they really 'know' when a human is an animal
lover. Soon we are petting and scratching their head and
they are responding to our gentle advances with rubbing
of their own..you do not have to worry...we talk 'cat
talk' and they understand us and we understand
them...over 25+ years of experience in welcoming new
feline babies into our strictly feline resort (and they
are all babies to us no matter what their actual age),
and making them feel 'right at home' is our expertise.
They are never pressured and accept us on their
terms...we earn their love and trust.
29. My cat was previously
unhappy in a kennel. I do admit that the other kennel
also boarded dogs and the cat accommodations were not
special. What do you offer that is different that you
think will make my cat happy?
A Country Cat House
is strictly 'For Cats'! We have no
dogs barking in the background...our background sounds
are of soft music and the gentle sounds of water falling
over the edge of the fountain and dropping into the Koi
fish pond bowl!
Our environment is immaculately clean! (Kitties won't
tolerate anything less, of course!) Our feline guests'
accommodation choices are spacious, custom-designed out
of pure Birch and are sanitized daily. The entire
cattery was designed for cats happiness, safety,
contentment, entertainment and security.
Our staff is made up of all cat owners and devoted cat
lovers, who understand and fulfill all your cats needs
and desires.
30. I hear there are some
illegal, unlicensed places boarding Cats in Dade County.
I would never, ever board my cat in a place that was
running an illegal business and would want proof. Is
Country Cat House legally zoned and licensed in Dade
Yes. We are glad you asked.
To our knowledge, we are the only legally zoned and
licensed 'cats only' boarding facility in Dade County.
Remember, we are not talking about Vets who also legally
board animals, or pet stores who legally board animals,
or predominantly dog kennels that also board few
cats...we are talking about legal facilities that were
built strictly for cats legally...we are speaking
strictly about cats. Cat boarding and cat grooming are
our only business and we devote 100% of our time and
love to this endeavor and nothing else.
Are we legal? Absolutely. And we, too, would never trust
the care of our beloved cats to any person facility that
wasn't legal and licensed, or anyone who didn't have
documentation to prove they were operating a legally
licensed and zoned business in Dade County. There are a
lot of scams going on by people who appear to be genuine
and seem to disappear if something happens to your pet
while you're gone, and you have no one to turn to for
answer because you just discovered in looking at the
business card they gave you that there is no address for
them and no phone number except a cell phone that no one
Before you hire anyone to care for your most precious
feline babies, be sure you have proof they are running a
legal operation and that you have their home address and
home telephone number for accountability if something
happens to your cat while you're away. Don't do business
with or trust the care of your cat to anyone who gives
you a business card that doesn't show their real home
address and real phone number...or you are holding a
worthless piece of paper if you need to get answers and
no one is taking your calls on their cell. If there is
no address, and something goes wrong while they are
caring for your pet, how will you even track them down?
Think about the consequences.
There are scams of this nature all over country and we
hear the horror stories. Don't let it happen to you. Go
look at their house and make sure that it really exists
and is actually where they live.
Our license and our ABKA Accreditation Certificate are
proudly displayed on our office wall for you to see. The
ABKA Blue Ribbon Accreditation Award for Excellence is
displayed on the front of the cattery...
We have been taking care of South Florida's most loved
and treasured cats for over 25+ years with total
success. We are here! We will be here! And we are
accountable to you..
Our rates are reasonable? Why take any chances with your
cat's safety and welfare when you don't have to.
Country Cat House is by far the best choice of all your
options for your cat's care in your absence. Let us
prove it to you. Make your next reservation at A Country
Cat House and you will never worry again.
31. Do you accept male un-neutered cats?
All male cats above 12 months should be neutered.
Non-neutered males have a tendency to spray for marking
territory and howl in the evening and we don't want to
bother the rest of our guests.
32. Can my cat still be
admitted to your kennel without a current vaccination
Sorry, no, not UNLESS your vet deems your cat to be of
an age whereby it no longer needs them, AND it has been
assessed as fit and healthy by the vet prior to its
33. My cat can be aggressive to people. Is he/she still
board able?
Yes, absolutely. We have found that our 'no dogs'
policy, coupled with the design of the cats condo which
allows absolutely no contact whatever, visually or
physically with another cat, works wonders towards
calming your cat down and changing its disposition. The
gentle and loving nature or our Staff, as well as the
immaculately clean environment, wonderful food and
gourmet treats, and lots of entertainment in the gardens
that cats love, all work together to provide a wonderful
boarding experience for your cat.
34. Does my cat have its own
private condo all the time?
Yes. Absolutely. We NEVER allow your cat to have contact
with another cat. Your cat has its own condo for the
duration of its stay.
35. If my cat was boarded at
a different place and didn't seem happy. What would you
do or what do you offer that is different that would
make my cat contented so I don't have to worry?
By making the experience totally pleasurable. Again, our
'no dog' policy, cat-loving staff, immaculately clean
environment, private condo with no physical or visual
contact with any other cat, full window overlooking a
beautiful tropical garden with lizards, birds,
butterflies and Koi fish to watch for entertainment,
soothing, soft background music..Your cat will totally
enjoy the experience.
36. My cat is 16 years old,
and is on insulin? Will you take care of my cat?
Yes, absolutely. We successfully care for geriatric
older cats with various ailments due to old age. We
spend a lot of time with them, shower them with love and
tenderness and monitor their water and food intake very,
very closely. The fact that we provide 24 hour care is
also very important, especially for senior cats. We own
older cats of our own and understand your anxiety when
you are leaving town. We will take care of them as if
they were our own babies. A trial 24 hour visit is
needed, to make sure we can administer the insulin to
your cat, prior to the actual boarding date.
37. My cat is very, very
spoiled! I am worried he will be lonely in my absence,
and I would like to go away without feeling guilty. Can
you help Me?
Yes. Your cat will receive so much love and attention,
you have no need to worry. Go to 'Testimonials' and read
letters we have received from customers who had the same
worries the first time they boarded and see what they
have to say. You will quickly see that once they board
at A Country Cat House, they never worried again and go
away any time they want and stay as long as they want,
knowing their cat will be safe, secure and happy on
their return.
38. How will my cat be
boarded? I have seen catteries where 10-15 cats share a
common areas?
For obvious reasons, we do not condone nor do we ever
board cats together unless they are from the same
family. We have several styles that were designed to
board up to four cats from the same family. We never,
ever allow your cats to have any contact with any other
cat from another family.
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